Thursday, February 18, 2016


Dear friends,

I am so glad to share with you some special news! The English copies of my book are now ready! The book is entitled "Allow God's Purpose in Your Life".  I have listed all the topics that you will find in the book. I encourage you to get your copy and read the book. You will surely be blessed.
You may check on me via my dial +255(0) 788 32 88 32.
Like my facebook page Lifard13
Follow me on instagram @lifard13. 

There is also a special facebook page for this book. It is named after the title of the book.
"Allow God's Purpose and Plan in Your Life" be sure to like the page as well.

I am so honored to present to you all the topics that you will find in this book. These are:

Introduction ................................................................................ 8
PART ONE ................................................................................ 11
WHAT IS PURPOSE AND PLAN? .......................................... 11
Purpose ....................................................................................... 11
Plan ............................................................................................. 14
God has given us knowledge and understanding ....................... 16
PART TWO ................................................................................ 19
WHY GOD’S PURPOSE AND PLAN? .................................... 19
What happens if we do not abide in God's purpose? .................. 21
1. Leanness into souls ................................................................. 22
2. Being Destructed With Many Things ..................................... 23
3. Serving against God thinking that you are serving God ........ 23
4. Having no direction ................................................................ 25
5. Falling into sin ....................................................................... 26
What happens when we abide in God's purpose? ...................... 26
1. Living a Fulfilled Life ............................................................ 27
2. You should not struggle to please everyone but God .............. 28
3. You will not be troubled when you face difficulties ............... 29
PART THREE ............................................................................. 30
WHAT’S YOUR WORTH? ........................................................ 30
What if you were born outside wedlock? .................................... 32
What is your worth? .................................................................... 33
Consequences of not Valuing Yourself ....................................... 35
1. Serving God below standard or not serving at all ................... 36
2. Affects your relationships with others .................................... 37
3. Living a life below standard ................................................... 38
4. Interferes your freedom in decision making ........................... 40
5. Not valuing yourself makes you selfish ................................. 41
6. Seeking pity ............................................................................ 42
What is your Identity? ................................................................ 43
Who are you? ............................................................................. 46
PART FOUR .............................................................................. 49
ON EARTH ................................................................................ 49
What should you do to know the God’s specific purpose for your
existence? ................................................................................... 49
1. Stay in God’s word ................................................................ 50
2. Believe in God ....................................................................... 52
3. Obey God ............................................................................... 53
4. Pray ........................................................................................ 54
5. Be humble to God .................................................................. 55
6. Do not give satan a chance .................................................... 58
7. Avoid bad company, (follow the good) ................................. 59
8. Forget the past ....................................................................... 62
9. Do not fear, be strong and courageous .................................. 65
10. Take one step at a time ........................................................ 69
PART FIVE ............................................................................... 71
Desire to walk in the will of God .............................................. 73
First: Do not conform to the pattern of this world ..................... 74
Second: be transformed by the renewing of your mind ............. 75
Third: Prove ............................................................................... 76
PART VI .................................................................................... 78
WITHOUT VISION PEOPLE PERISH .................................... 78

This book has been a sure blessing in my life and it is my prayer that God ministers unto you through this book. Both English and Swahili copies are available.

Be blessed and be a blessing!

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